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Funders & Partners

We are constantly reviewing funding opportunities and new partnerships. If you feel that GYROS may be able to augment the work you do, please get in touch - we welcome new partnerships. 

Current Funders include:

Justice Together Initiative (JTI) - supporting our immigration service

Mercers Company funds support for a new community organisation in Lincoln based on the GYROS model called LEAN,uk

Migrant Help GYROS are on the 10 year Commissioning Framework to support people in asylum accommodation

Norfolk Community Foundation: To support our community cafe; work with Ukrainian Refugees and a maternity project 

Santander Foundation Funds a 3 year programme to improve digital and financial literacy

UK Government - supporting our immigration service

UKRI - supporting our work in tackling migrant and refugee health exclusion

We are Digital - funds sessions for EUSS applications and the Windrush Compensation Scheme.  HMCTS Project. 

Past Funders include:

AB Charitable Trust - To allow us to support migrants and their families who may be caught up in the British Legal system. 

ACCESS to Justice - 3 waves of funding to support our Immigration Advice

Active Communities - Supporting our community cafe in Great Yarmouth Library. 

Advice Service Transition Fund - To help transform our organisation and make it fit for purpose.

Active Communities - Developing better knowledge and understanding within migrant communities in Great Yarmouth through volunteers.

Advice  Service Transition Fund - To co-ordinate and secure long term advice provision within the borough. In partnership with DIAL, MAP, NCLS, NCAN

Ageing Well Fund - To facilitate shared sessions of local and migrant people over 50 as they build reminiscence boxes and share their stories. 

AMIF - Asylum, migration & integration fund. UrbAgri4 women project. 

Barrow Cadbury Trust - funded us through the pandemic for additional activities
Bernard Matthews : supporting our homeless outreach

Big Lottery: Neighbourhoods that Work

Big Lottery Reaching Communities - For drop-ins, community groups, job clubs, ESOL- embedded training, volunteering and other community-centred activities

Bunn Fund: Supporting our homeless outreach in Great Yarmouth

Children In Need (CIN): Funding a new families centre at the back of the Kingside Advice Hub and funding for homework clubs.


Comic Relief

Community Justice Fund - ACCESS to Justice funds our Immigration service. 2 rounds of funding

Clothworkers Foundation funded new equipment for advisors to work from home at the start of Covid lockdown

Coronavirus Community Support Fund (Office of Civil Society) funded additional activity during the pandemic

Controlling Migration Fund 1 (through Suffolk CC): For a drop in advice service across Suffolk

Controlling Migration Fund 2 (through Suffolk CC): For a drop in advice service in Ipswich and Roma community engagement

ESF / The National Lottery - Building Better Opportunities: OnTrack:  A partnership with The Matthew Project supporting young people in Norfolk

ESF Community Grants, through TCHC - Specific project to support people furthest from the labour market to move closer to work

GAROD - To support Groups at Risk of Disadvantage to effectively access and manage their health care. Based in Lowestoft. 

Good Things Foundation: funded multilingual support for the Census in Suffolk

Great Yarmouth Borough Council Funded 3 years of a multilingual  Job Club and  ESOL embedded employability support in Gt Yarmouth. 

Hilden Trust: To deliver ESOL embeded Nursery Rhyme sessions to under fives and their parents. 

Little Acorns: To fund purchase of arts and crafts items for our crafts sessions

Living Well Fund - ESOL embedded classes promoting healthy living  

Love Norfolk - to pilot a Youth Cafe

Love Norfolk  - capital for cafe 

Lovewell Blake:  to set up and equip a craft shop in Lowestoft

Lloyds TSB Foundation - For drop in service to provide information and advice on Education, Health and Legal issues

Momentum: funding to help furnish the families centre and fund activities for young people

Money Saving Expert (MSE): Give money management support to local people

Mason Trust: Funding homework sessions for local young people

NDAP - Following on from a successful pilot we can now offer a weekly peer support group supporting people in recovery. 

New Anglia LEP: Community Challenge Fund to support long term unemployed into self employment and work

Norfolk Community Foundation - multiple funds

Norfolk County Council - Contain Outbreak management Fund (COMF) - 2 rounds funding

Norfolk County Council Library Services - Supporting and encouraging our work in the cafe.

Norfolk Healthwatch - funded research into migrant workers accessing healthcare services. 

Norfolk Household Support Fund - crisis support for destitute people in Norfolk in form of 'vouchers' for food and utilities

Norfolk Police Crime Commissioner: allowing a support service for people trying to access mainstream support around substance misuse. 

Norfolk Police Crime Commissioner: funding a Hate Crime Advocate post.

People's Postcode Trust- Community cafe and activities supporting integration e.g. Feast of Nations - carried some of this over from pre-Pandemic

Queen's 90th Birthday Grant: to work with children of migrants to learn about the British Monarchy and to put on a celebration event

Respond and Adapt Programme funded delivery activity and provided valuable capacity building.

Sabariah's Fund: To run sessions with older migrants and local people in Lowestoft based on 'Reminiscence Boxes'

Safer Norfolk

Shelroy: To deliver 'Rights and Responsibilities' workshops 

Silk Purse 

Suffolk County Council: To improve access to health services

Suffolk Police Crime Commissioner: funding to support victims of Domestic Abuse in Suffolk

Sylvia Adams: funded a new Romanian speaking in advisor to help support this emerging community group

The National Lottery Community Fund - funded the Community Pathways Partnership (CPP): 4 year partnership programme

The Women's Vote Centenary Grant Scheme - funded International Women's Day event. 

UK Health Security Agency: funds a research collaboration to improve the inclusivity of health messaging

UK Communities Foundation Funds support for partnership organisations working with similar communities

WW1 Fund: to run a research and educational session for children with migrant parents to learn about the history of WW1 

WREN - is a Tampon Tax funded programme with St Giles. Developing women to support one another. 


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Registered Charity no: 1110281.  Great Yarmouth Refugee Outreach & Support Ltd.

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