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Donate to GYROS

GYROS supports hundreds of people every year, many of whom are living through some of the toughest challenges humans can face. 
Many of our clients experience complex and multiple disadvantages, as well as facing the hostile immigration environment and policies here in the UK.  Some have no recourse to public funds, and without help from charities like GYROS could be facing destitution, multiple dangers and an uncertain future alone. 
Our work includes:
  • Free immigration advice - up to OISC level 2
  • Free, impartial advice and advocacy on - housing, employment, Universal Credit, Police, law, education, language, health, education, debt, rights in the UK 
  • Free EU Settled Status application help
  • Supporting people who are at risk of being sent back to dangerous situations in their country of origin 
  • Supporting victims of exploitation, modern day slavery and human trafficking
  • Helping people in non-standard accommodation / vulnerably housed & homeless
  • Community cohesion work
  • Carrying out social research, to help support individuals and influence policy at strategic levels to create a fairer, more human rights-led and just society where all can live safely and with dignity.
We rely on funding and donations to carry out this valuable work.  If you'd like to support us by making a donation, big or small, please visit our Just Giving page... 
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Registered Charity no: 1110281.  Great Yarmouth Refugee Outreach & Support Ltd.

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