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Useful Information. 

Here are answers to our most frequently asked questions... 

1. How do I register my child in a school?

You will need to contact the Norfolk County Council on 01603638036 or  You must provide your details and your children’s so that they can allocate the school in your catchment area?


2. How can I get a national insurance number?

You need to contact the National Insurance Allocation Service on 08456000643, and provide your personal details and the date when you moved to the UK. You will then be made an appointment at the closest available Job Centre Plus (Norwich or Ipswich). For the appointment you must take at least two forms of identification, proof of address and proof of employment if applicable.


3. How do I make a new claim for benefits? 

The Job Centre will be able to help you with a new claim but you can call 08456088571. If you have recently been made unemployed, you will need to provide details from you P45, your personal details, income and family. Your claim will be processed accordingly to the information provided.


4. How can I get registered with a GP?

You can go to the GP surgery of your choice and ask to register. They will give you forms to fill in and if you also want to register your family, you will need to request more forms.


5. What if I’m at risk of becoming homeless?

You will need to contact the local authority (01493 856100) and explain your situation in detail. You might also want to visit them at Greyfriars House. If you need an interpreter, they will be able to provide one.


6. How can I make a new claim for tax credits or update my information?

Please contact the Tax Credits office on 0845 3003900.


7. How can I apply for Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit?

You will need to visit Greyfriars House and speak to an adviser who will assess your income, rent and any dependants. They will fill in a form with you which will be processed for at least four weeks. You will then receive a letter at home with a final decision if you are entitled or not and for how much.


8. Where can I find a job?

You can visit the Job Centre or contact the Jobseeker’s phone line (08456060234) for the latest vacancies being advertised through the job centre; you can visit the local employment agencies and register with them; you can check the local newspapers such as The Advertiser, Mercury, The Jobseeker; or you can go online.


9. Why do I have to pay council tax?

In the UK, we all need to pay council tax which is calculated according to the property we live in. the amount will differ from household to household and if you are entitled to council tax benefit. This money will go towards infrastructure in the area, police, waste collection, schools and more. If you have difficulty paying it, you should contact Greyfriars House.


10. I’m new to the country and I have just rented out a house. What should I look out for?

 Make sure that you view the house before signing any documents. If you think the house has any problems, you should make sure that they are resolved before moving in. Any money that you pay to your landlord or lettings agency, make sure that you get receipts and always read your tenancy agreement.


11. How do I apply for Child Benefit or report changes?

You can apply online at make changes at or phone them on 08453021444


12. My child was born in Great Yarmouth; how to register her/his birth?

You will need to contact Register Office on 01493445112 or at


13. How can I legalise a document?

You will need to send a letter explaining what documents you need to legalise. Then you need to send it to the Legalisation Office, Norfolk House (West), 437Silbury Boulevard, Milton Keynes, MK9 2AH with the completed Legalisation Application form and with £30 postal orders (if you want the documents sent back by special delivery, you can send £36 postal orders or a pre-paid, self-addressed envelope).

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Registered Charity no: 1110281.  Great Yarmouth Refugee Outreach & Support Ltd.

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